Federal Helicopter Safety Acts & Bills
H.R. 7769 – The Helicopter Safety and Noise Management Act would create a commission comprised of the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), members of the local and state government, and helicopter noise and safety advocates who are negatively impacted by helicopter noise. This commission would then develop a helicopter usage management plan to substantially reduce the number of non-essential civil rotorcraft that can operate at any time.
H.R. 1643, H.R. 4880 – The Improving Helicopter Safety Act of 2021 (formerly known as H.R. 4880 The Improving Helicopter Safety Act of 2019) is a Federal Bill introduced (and re-introduced on March 7, 2021) by NY Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney on October 28, 2019 and Co-Sponsored by Congressmembers Jerry Nadler, Nydia Velázquez, Yvette Clarke, José E. Serrano, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Albio Sires, Thomas Suozzi, and Eliot Engel.
The Improving Helicopter Safety Act of 2019, Re-introduced March 7, 2021 as The Improving Helicopter Safety Act of 2021 (Introduced by Carolyn B. Maloney and Co-sponsored Jerry Nadler, Nydia Velázquez, Thomas Suozzi):
- Prohibits nonessential helicopters from flying in covered airspace of any city with a population of over 8 million people and with a population density of over 25,000 people per square mile—including waterways within the city’s jurisdiction
- Defines “nonessential” helicopters as any helicopter flown by a pilot with a Part 135 or Part 91 license (i.e. any private or commercial pilot) whose purpose is not “essential”
- Defines “essential” helicopter flights as: law enforcement, emergency response, disaster response, medical services, or for the public interest; does not affect military aircrafts
- Excludes airports from “covered airspace”
- Helicopters are permitted to fly through the shortest, most direct routes possible to access or depart from airports
- Directs the FAA to update helicopter flight charts to show airspace designated as “covered” under this bill (The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) does not have any regulations, policies, or procedures to account for New York City’s uniquely crowded airspace, and it has ignored calls to implement such policies.)
Rep Nadler, Maloney & Jeffries’ letter to sub-commitee on Transportation, Housing & Urban Develpment (April 29, 2022) urging FAA to address NY helicopter noise
Letter by NY and NJ politicians to Secy of Transportation Buttigeg in support of H.R. 4880
Gale Brewer News Release (October 21, 2021) detailing broad support for ending non-essential helicopters
Manhattan Community Board 7 2020 Resolution Supporting H.R. 4880
Manhattan Community Board 4 Letter to Elected Officials Regarding H.R. 4880
Press Releases:
- Congressmember Carolyn Maloney press release March 7, 2021
- Congressman Jerrold Nadler press release March 7, 2021
- Congressmember Carolyn Maloney press release October 26, 2019
- Congressman Jerrold Nadler press release June 21, 2019
Lawmakers Introduce Bill To Ban Non-Essential Helicopter Flights In NYC. WCBS 880’s Steve Burns reports – listen below:
Co-Sponsors With Date
Rep. Nadler, Jerrold [D-NY-10] – 10/28/2019, 03/08/2021
Rep. Velázquez, Nydia M. [D-NY-7] – 10/28/2019, 03/08/2021
Rep. Clarke, Yvette D. [D-NY-9] – 10/28/2019
Rep. Serrano, José E. [D-NY-15] – 10/28/2019
Rep. Engel, Eliot L. [D-NY-16] – 10/28/2019
Rep. Ocasio-Cortez, Alexandria [D-NY-14] – 11/13/2019, 04/01/2021
Rep. Suozzi, Thomas R. [D-NY-3] – 11/19/2020
Rep. Sires, Albio [D-NJ-8]
Press Coverage

Plan to ban non-essential helicopter traffic over NYC reintroduced – Spectrum News NY1

Sick of helicopter noise? New bill would ban most chopper flights over NYC – Brooklyn Eagle

New York lawmakers seek to ban all non-essential helicopters over NYC – New York Post